Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Homestead Revisited...By Air

On Sunday morning October 3 I had the chance to trailer my PPC back to the farm where I was raised.  The current owner of the farm happens to be a long time PPC flyer and currently owns a Piper Super Cub and recently purchased a Cessna 182 with his son.  They fly the PPC and the Cub from an airstrip on the farm.  Another PPC pilot, Denny Mills, from Iowa, joined us for this Sunday morning flight. The farm is located in   Ulysses in Potter County Pa. and was primarily a potato farm during my youth. A lifelong friend joined me as the backseat passenger in my Blue Heron Marathon  as we flew over the fall colors of Potter County.  The picture to the left is the farm as it is today and is meticously maintained by the current owners, Jim and Sandy Hoopes.  As the sky grew dark to the west the sun shown brightly from the east on the hills and the fields, it brought back many memories.  Not the least of which was flying from the Ulysses Airport which now stands empty and has a meterlogical tower placed squarley in the middle of the grass runway making the airfield "useless for Ulysses."  This airfield was where I got my first ride in any type of aircraft. I remeber it as though it were yesterday, taking off with Ed. Cady in some type of low wing

Piper over the farm fields that were only viewable from the ground to me at that point in my life.  This past Sunday 3 PPC pilots spent an hour hovering around those same fields at about 300 ft AGL.  It was a very unique opportunity to take a trip back in time to stir some fond memories and enjoy flying over some beautiful lands that I once called home.

Thanks Jim, Denny and Eric for sharing some time with me in the air over the old homestead!  It was a memory that will last a lifetime.

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