Sunday, September 4, 2011

Canyon Pilots Labor Day Breakast Serves Over 1000!!!

Wow!!  What a great day.  The Canyon Pilots Association and The Canyon Country Ultralight Club (United States Ultralight Association Club 203) served over 1000 breakfasts at the annual Labor Day Fly-in held at N38, Wellsboro/Johnston airport.  A BIG thank you to all who helped make this a successful event.  It looks easy but somebody needs to plan, set-up, sweat over a hot grill, clean the grills and utensils etc. and put things away.  To all of you who helped and attended, THANK YOU.  The proceeds from the breakfast are used to create scholarships and help the Airport Authority pay bills associated with keeping N38 open and in general promote Ultralight and General Aviation at our local airport.  Every person who attends or helps with this event shows their of support for local aviation and indicates that there is a demand for this vital, local resource.  For the Labor Day Breakfast this year, we had over 1000 supporters!  Below are a few photos of the day.  Enjoy.

The money changers!!  This dedicated team have been there to extract funds from those wishing to gain entry to the feast for many years.  $6.00 makes them happy and is a cheap fee for the all you can pack in ya breakfast.

Fog...fog....fog...fog.  The number of airplanes flying into the annual Labor Day Breakfast was small.  The day started out at 70 degrees at 7:00am which helped to keep the fog cover over N38 until mid-morning and kept our usual fly-in gang away. 

A snapshot of the crowd that would top 1000.

Bill "Doc" Mitchell is the master buckwheat pancake grill miester!!  He runs the lead grill and is the face of the Canyon Pilots Associations Breakfast.  You do not eat at our breakfast until you are met with a friendly "Good Morning, how are you" from Doc.

The Chef's.  These guys are good.  No matter how hot it is, they never sweat a big crowd!!   Great job guys.  Thank you.

If you want to enjoy hanging out, there are plenty of folks to chat with at the Canyon Pilots Labor Day Fly-in breakfast!

Henry Ford heard that there was a great breakfast in Wellsboro on Labor Day weekend and parked his pick-up on the grass and headed for a buckwheat pancake, ham and eggs and coffee that would grow hair on a Model T.

Many folks wondering the airport and walking off those great buckwheat pancakes.

Please join us each Memorial and Labor Day Sundays at the Wellsboro Johnston Airport in Wellsboro Pa from 8-12.
No excuses now, just get 'Round to it.
(Round Engine in Wes McKinney's T-6)

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