That SOLO Smile. I was fortunate enough to get my solo flight in a light sport Flight Design CTsw on November 3rd. As you may notice Mel Bole posted a few days ago that he soloed too. Look at his post and mine. We flew different airplanes but we both have that same "goofy solo smile." Here are a few facts about my fixed wing flight experience. 1) I have flown 21.1 hrs including 19.9 hrs before my solo day 2) Solo day was a pattern practice day and I had to complete 4 T&G's under instruction before the CFI felt comfortable enough to deplane and let me go on my own. 3) The solo consisted of 3 T&G's 4) I now have 21.1 hours of airplane single engine land hours. 5) I have completed 103 landings 5) I have spent $2,743. to date not including club membership and deposit. 6) This does not include my investment in aquiring my Sport Pilot ticket with a powered parachute endorsement but the fact that I am currently a sport pilot is helping to shorten my training time. In summary I have had a blast doing this. I was very imtimidated to take my powereded parachute training and start flying a light sport airplane in a club that flew from a Class Delta airport. Talking to ATC was and still is a foreign concept. My CFI's have made this a pretty easy transition. Now I am on to gain some solo time out in the practice area, then x-country flights etc. I am having a great time flying this little airplane with a very high quality flight training facility. I highly recommend East Hill for anyone looking into light sport aircraft training.
Wow. Congrats Tom. Great Job. I hope you lost a shirt tail on that one - Dan