Confused about the Sport Pilot license and Light Sport Aircraft regulations? Even after five years, few know about this new General Aviation alternative. Come learn all about sport flying in this Wings presentation by Professor H. Paul Shuch, the Chief Flight Instructor at AvSport of Lock Haven.
Piper Memorial Airport
353 Proctor Street
Lock Haven, PA 17745
If you're looking for a Saturday-afternoon stroll through the sky without a lot of burdensome expense and regulation, the FAA created the sport pilot certificate in 2004 just for folks like you.
FAA’s Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) category offers affordable, safe, basic aircraft for many people who would otherwise be unable to fly.
While the most recognizable light sport aircraft is the fixed-wing airplane, the light sport aircraft category includes six additional kinds of aircraft as well:
Powered (para)chutes
Weight-shift control aircraft
Lighter-than-air airships
Lighter-than-air balloons
Attend this interesting and exciting safety briefing and learn about light sport aircraft!
AvSport of Lock Haven now offers Sport Pilot training locally! Visit to find out more information. I plan on taking my first flying lesson this coming Saturday, weather permitting, and will report back!
I'm excited to hear the I may NOT have to keep driving 130 miles to KLNS to get Sport Pilot instruction. This is especially so because AvSport at KLHV uses the same SLSA in which I've been taking lessons, an Evektor Sport Star. (See my picture on this blog.) I plan to be there on Saturday for the FAAST event so I can check out the possibilities.